2023 | Terra Incognita: Critical Notes on the Anthropocene. In Sintesis, Revista de Filosofia. Universidad Adolfo Ibanez. Peer Reviewed. |
2023 | Automatic Systems After Marx. In International Critical Thought. Peer Reviewed. |
2023 | The Modern State After Kant: A Materialist Approach. European Scientific Journal. Vol 19 (11). Peer Reviewed. |
2021 | Hegel in Thebe, Critical Notes on Antigone and Its Interpretations. International Journal of Arts, Humanities & Social Science. Vol 2(8). Peer Reviewed. |
2018 | Tragic Errors and Politics of Guilt. Filozofski vestnik. Vol. 39 (2). Peer Reviewed. |
2016 | Rain in the Gallery. Los Angeles Review of Books. https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/rain-in-thegallery |
2016 | Demos and Imagination. in Asian Arts Space Network book , Seoul, South Korea. |
2015 | History as Project, Critique as Movement: Notes on the Specific Difference in Marx’s Critique, International Critical Thought. Vol 5 (2), 183-199. Peer Reviewed. |
2014 | Konvergerande rum (Converging Spaces), Nordic Journal of Cultural Politics, Vol 10(1), pp 97-117. Peer Reviewed. |
2013 | Bräckliga förbindelser: Mimesis och den nutida kapitalismen (Precarious Connections, Mimesis in Today’s Capitalism). Paletten, 1. February, Paletten Publishing House, Sweden. |
2013 | Dix thèses sur l’Antiphilosophie depuis Marx. In Marx, Lacan : l’acte révolutionnaire et l’acte analytique. Eds: Sylvia Lippi & Patrick Landman, Editions Erès: Paris. |
2012 | Machinic Life. The Journal Pages. Nr 8. Maastricht, Jan Van Eyke Centre for Research. pp 5-17. |
2011 | Chinese translation and publication of a shortened version on Converging Spaces and Cognitive Capitalism” JUHE KONGJIAN:QUANQIUHUA YU WENHUA ZHENGZHI”, in Contemporary World & Socialism ( DANGDAI SHIJIE YU SHEHUIZHUYI), No. I, pp.106-109 (Translation: Li Yang) |
2011 | 51° 01′ 17″ N 11° 14′ 57″ E. The Journal GLÄNTA. Glänta Productions: Gothenburg. |
2010 | La Question iranienne. Multitudes. 40. Editions Amsterdam, Paris. |
2010 | La Question Iranienne 2. Multitudes. 43. Editions Amsterdam: Paris |
2009 | One Step Forward, ArtMonitor, Journal of Research at Goteborg University, Nr 1. 167-181. |
2008 | Om trauma och konstnärlig forskning. Art Monitor. Nr 1. |
2008 | Disaster as a Condition for Artistic Practice, ArtMonitor, Journal of Research at Goteborg University, Nr 2. |
2008 | Den rasistiska staten. In Befria oss från mångkulturen. Eds. S.E. Liedman, Dariush M. Doust, R. Nejadmehr. Publishing house Natur och Kultur: Stockholm. |
2007 | Index et Anticipation. in Écrits autour de la pensée d’Alain Badiou (eds. Bruno Besana and Oliver Feltham), L’harmattan: Paris. |
2007 | Underground or Images from Nowhere. in Underground, A World Culture Museum Project. Published by World Culture Museum. |
2003 | Efter Situationer (After Situations). Paletten, Paletten Publishing House: Gothneburg, nr 1. |
2002 | On Transference. In Drift, Journal of Psychoanalysis. Copenhagen. |
2002 | Om de Andra. Chapter in Underlandet. Eds: Dariush M. Doust & Amanda Peralta. Symposium Bokforlag: Stockholm. |
2000 | Rosens tragiska smak. Chapter in Kants tredje kritik, Sju essäer, Sven-Eric Liedman (ed.), Arachne series 15, University of Goteborg. |
1998-1993 | Bresson’s hands. Glänta Journal/Screen Memories. Glänta Journal/ Skuggan som talar. Glänta Journal/Interview with Slavoj Žižek. GoteborgsPosten. |