Dariush M Doust


1987-1993Undergraduate and Postgraduate. Department of Psychology. University of Goteborg. Final Thesis on Lacan and Theory of Cinema.
1989-1996Undergraduate and postgraduate Studies. Philosophy and History of Ideas, Department of Philosophy and Department of History of Ideas. University of Goteborg.
1996-2002PhD studies at Goteborg University, supervised by professor Sven-Eric Liedman: Hegel (specifically Wissenschaft Der Logik in a one-year reading course) and German Philosophy (Kant, Fichte), Kant’s aesthetics, Marx. Lacan and Art with François Regnault, Département de la psychanalyse, université Paris VIII, Paris. Doctoral program at Département de la Sciences de la vie, Université Paris VII-Denis Diderot, professor Monique David-Ménard.Participation in seminars by Jean-Michel Vapperau, René Lèw, René Guittar at Lysmiac Psychoanalytical Association, on Mathematics, Logics and Topology and psychoanalysis, Serge Cottet, Jacques-Allain Miller at The Department of Psychoanalysis, Paris-8 & Ecole de la cause freudienne.  Doctoral course at Alain Badiou’s seminars, Saint Paul, La théorie axiomatique du sujet, Logique des mondes, Ecole Normale supérieur, département de la philosophie & université paris VIII, Paris. 
2002PhD at University of Gothenburg, Thesis: Randanmarkningar till psykoanalysens etik (Marginalia for the Ethics of Psychoanalysis). Supervisor: Sven-Eric Liedman. Date of Issued Exam: 6/25/2002.

Post-doctoral Courses

2009Diploma in supervision for professors, Specialist Program by the Department of Pedagogy. University of Gothenburg.
2009Diploma in Higher pedagogy for professors, ”Högskolepedagogik I & II”, Department of Pedagogy-PIL, University of Gothenburg.